Upgrading to v1.x

Crossplane versions post v1.0 do not introduce any breaking changes, but may make some backward compatible changes to the core Crossplane CRDs. Helm does not currently touch CRDs when a chart is upgraded, so Crossplane has moved to managing its own CRDs as of v1.2.0. However, for versions prior to v1.2.0, you must manually apply the appropriate CRDs before upgrading.

Upgrading to v1.0.x or v1.1.x

To upgrade from the currently installed version, run:

1# Update to the latest CRDs.
2kubectl apply -k https://github.com/crossplane/crossplane//cluster?ref=<release-branch>
4# Update to the latest stable Helm chart for the desired version
5helm --namespace crossplane-system upgrade crossplane crossplane-stable/crossplane --version <version>

Upgrading to v1.2.x and Subsequent Versions

Since v1.2.0, we do not include any custom resource instances in our Helm chart. This means the Lock object and Providers and Configurations you might have possibly installed via Helm values will get deleted when you upgrade to v1.2.x. The following commands will instruct Helm not to delete any instances of those types:

1for name in $(kubectl get locks.pkg.crossplane.io -o name); do kubectl annotate $name 'helm.sh/resource-policy=keep'; done
2for name in $(kubectl get providers.pkg.crossplane.io -o name); do kubectl annotate $name 'helm.sh/resource-policy=keep'; done
3for name in $(kubectl get configurations.pkg.crossplane.io -o name); do kubectl annotate $name 'helm.sh/resource-policy=keep'; done

After annotations are in place you can upgrade from the currently installed version by running:

1# Update to the latest stable Helm chart for the desired version
2helm --namespace crossplane-system upgrade crossplane crossplane-stable/crossplane --version <version>