Knowledge Base

Crossplane Popsicle Truck

The Crossplane Knowledge Base is a collection of documents covering recommended practices, third-party integrations and Crossplane-related how-tos.


  • Configuration Guides covers topics related to operating and using Crossplane.
  • Integrations are topics using Crossplane with third-party tools like Vault.
  • Installing and Upgrading provides more information for upgrading or managing Crossplane software beyond the basic conditions covered in the standard documentation.

Contribute an article

Contributions to the Knowledge Base are always welcome. Knowledge Base articles cover topics in detail or describe using Crossplane with third-party software.

Some examples of Knowledge Base articles could include:

  • Troubleshooting Crossplane providers
  • Migrating to Crossplane (from another tool)
  • Using Crossplane with ArgoCD

Find more information in the Crossplane documentation contributor’s guide.